Once again we are at that long awaited time of the year when a selected few dress in black robes and black headgear, head to JKUAT and are burned in the scorching sun in the Graduation Square. Their families are invited and are eager witnesses.
Graduation is a scary thing for many people because it feels like the end. The end of being in that familiar thing called school. What scares most is the fact that after that, the future opens up into one great big unknown and the expectations narrow down to a detailed and categorical 100,000. You wonder if you'll get that elusive job and wonder if you'll like it if you do. You wonder how long you can continue living with your parents before people start making the subtle comments less subtle. You wonder if you are actually up to the challenge of the jobs that you are applying for and you wonder if you'll make it if you decide to do your own thing. You wonder whether you can work anywhere else other than that one town that is familiar to you. And you wonder, what is God thinking or planning for me.
The word 'Graduation' is also used for measurement so in this case it gives an unnerving connotation of being measured. But we are all familiar with this world of being inspected, scrutinized, compared to, checked out, sized up, looked at, looked over, classified and then finally labeled. Hmm.
It's a scary world that we are living in and it brings about all manner of rational and irrational doubts. We begin to wonder, "Am I really a failure because I have been labeled one?" "Am I that stunning success that they say I am?" "How much longer can I satisfy their expectations?" "Are they right?" "Am I right?"
What is the Truth?
There are three things that we need to think about when it comes to the Truth.
- The Word of God is Truth.
- The Word of God is the only Truth.
- The Devil is a liar.
We know that the Word of God is Truth because the Word of God said so. Jesus is a true testimony because he walked on earth. He is the reason we believe everything we read in the Bible. He is the great proof.
We know that the Word of God is the only truth because anything outside of the word is actually not the word and the word already affirms that there is only one truth and that Truth is Jesus Christ who is the way the Truth and the life. ( Bear with me)
Finally, we know that the Devil is a liar because Jesus, aka the Truth aka the Word said so. And also from experience.
The above are slightly confusing statements but in the spirit of Graduation, we have all learnt that 'the more confusing it sounds, the simpler it actually is.'
John 8:44….He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Let me tell you the Truth… The Truth is that we are Sons of the Most High God, the chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a peculiar people. The truth is that you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. The Truth is that we have a hope and a future and God has a purpose for each one of us. The Truth is: Jesus has already overcome for us. The Truth is: faith can move mountains, feed five thousand and let you walk on water. The Truth is that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run to it and are safe. The Truth is: Jesus wants us to be well. The Truth is: if we call to him, he will answer us.
The Truth is not only about happiness and success. God is in the business of making you more useful not making you happy.
The Truth is: the wages of sin is death. The Truth is: God is a consuming fire. The Truth is: God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. The truth is: we are dying, yet we live on; beaten and yet not killed, sorrowful and yet always rejoicing.
The Truth is: if you completely obey the lord, meditate on his word day and night so as to be sure to obey his laws, Like Joshua, then, you will be successful in everything you do.
We are living in a time that is very unclear and confusing and it is difficult to tell what really it is that we should believe. We don't want to mislead ourselves into a place of denying reality and living in a perfect but imaginary world, but also we do not want to suffer constant despair as we take on these never-ending struggles. Well, there it is. The Truth is the Word of God. Always listen to him with both ears, the smart stuff that's in-between them and your heart. God, not the world, tells you who you are. God tells you what you are made of and made for.
Congratulations to all you guys and girls who are graduating today and yesterday. All the best in your future endeavors! God has brought you this far and he shall take you wherever you let him!
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